Life Math Podcast
Hosts: Iskren Vankov and Iliya Valchanov.
Get on the email list: lifemathpodcast.substack.com
Life Math Podcast
#9 The Voiceover-ians
Iskren and Iliya are replaced by voice overs (Giulia and Masha respectively).
These are the voices in their heads that tell them what to do anyways.
The show discusses the feedback that Life Math Podcast received in its first season and promises to address it:
- Better voices (thus the voiceover thing)
- New people (guests on the show)
- Shorter episodes
That is also what you should expect in the future!
Have fun!
Whisper Thank you.
Giulia:I am whispering. Shhhhhhh. Hes gonna kill us.
Giulia:Uhm.. is it time for the intro? Alright. Lets do it. Life math. A podcast indescribably tangled. Unnecessarily complex. So bad, that its good. Life math. Hello, hello!
Masha:Urgh, you beat me to it!
Giulia:Hello everyone! My name is Iskren and I am one of the hosts of the Life Math Podcast. As always, I am joined by Iliya.
Masha:Aloha! Iliya here. Welcome to the Life Math Podcast. This will be our best episode ever.
Giulia:I mean the bar is not very high, if you ask me.
Masha:Alright, lets get to business. We started the Life Math Podcast about 6 months ago. As you know, weve always wanted to create a podcast together. However, when we were starting we set a very specific goal. Iskren, do you remember what that goal was?
Giulia:Yep. It was 100 downloads per episode.
Masha:Indeed. And I am happy to announce that Season 1 just hit an average of 100 downloads per episode. Having hit that goal, we are ready for some more podcasting. Whooo-hooo. Now, weve gathered all your feedback and have identified the top 3 pieces of feedback. So, lets start in order. The most common feedback was regarding our accents. Many people claimed that we have strong European accents. What do you think about this one, Iso?
Giulia:That it was supposed to be Eastern European accents. It doesnt make any sense. Aaaa hes gonna kill us.
Masha:What do you think about this one, Iso?
Giulia:I think that was a fair one. And as you can see, we are already working on it. We got a very good deal on one British-ish accent and one neutral-American-ish accent.
Masha:Best decision so far. I hope we stick around on the show for a bit. How about you?
Giulia:I am never doing this again.
Masha:Hahah. Me neither. Well see, well see. Ready for the next feedback point?
Giulia:Sure, lets get this over with. Feedback point number 2 was that people want some more voices on the podcast. We are already doing this, I guess. But still we wanted to truly act on this. This is why we have already started recording Season 2. It will be the same old Life Math Podcast vibe, however, there will be a different guest in each episode!
Masha:Finally! I hope they invite me for a full one. Uh-uhg I hope Masha is up for a full episode on the Life Math Podcast!
Masha:My script here says improvise a segway to next piece of feedback. What a lousy script.
Giulia:At least they didnt make you say LOL.
Masha:Anyways, segway completed, I guess. Feedback point number 3. Episodes are too long. Well, on behalf of Iliya and Iskren, we beg to differ. On the contrary, they are too short for us to say everything we want to! In fact, 1-hour worth of Life Math Podcast is usually cut down from 3 hours of gibber-gabber. But! The listener is always right. So, we are introducing something very, very cool! Life Math Shorts, abbreviated LMS. Whenever you see an episode which has LMS as a prefix, thats a Life Math Short. These will be excerpts ranging between 5 and 15 minutes, perfect for people who want to hear something from us, but only got a couple of minutes. Life Math Shorts will come Urghhhh what a ridiculous name!!!
Giulia:I know, right.
Masha:Oh, boy. Anyhow, its a job, so I have to read it. So, Life Math Shorts will come out as normal episodes and will create a more regular feeling about the overall podcast. In fact, one can even call this very episode: a Life Math Short.
Giulia:Oh, are you really gonna call it that?
Masha:Im just doing my job here.
By the way, a disclaimer:all opinions in this episode are not mine but those of my employer.
Giulia:Great! Okay. I think we can wrap this up.
Masha:This was a great episode. So happy we made it!
Giulia:How should we call it?
Masha:The voiceoverians!
Giulia:Oh, man. Is that a Rick and morty reference?
Masha:It sure is! Before we wrap up, I have to make a joke. Oh, no. Do I really have to?
Giulia:Its scripted for you.
Masha:Okay. Here it goes. Knock, knock.
Giulia:Whos there?
Masha:Life Math.
Giulia:Life Math who?
Masha:A Life Math Short.
Giulia:Awful. Awful.
Masha:Thats just so bad. Tuuuu-duuuu. So bad. I cant help it. Tuuuu-duuuu. How many of these do you want me to record?
Iliya:I want you to record one.